The Future of Nineteen80
It's been a while since I've kept up this podcast. A lot has happened. I'm already two episodes behind, so I'll have to get back at it.
Episode is also published on my personal YouTube channel:
Or follow the official Nineteen80 YouTube channel for the more business side of things:
Nineteen80 is a management consultancy and creative agency focused on transitions. As a Xennial, I was born in an analog world, and came of age in a digital world. As the world transitions from command and control to distributed teams, analog to digital, concentrated power and wealth to distributed knowledge of the crowd, Nineteen80 seeks to bring the best of both worlds together to create something better.
Connect With Daniel Hoang
My website - http://www.danielhoang.com
My company - http://www.nineteen80.co
Follow me on Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/danielhoang
Follow me on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/danielhoang