Race in America with Detrick Franklin MBA
Nineteen80 is a management consultancy and creative agency focused on transitions. As a Xennial, I was born in an analog world and came of age in a digital world. As the world transitions from command and control to distributed teams, analog to digital, concentrated power and wealth to distributed knowledge of the crowd, Nineteen80 seeks to bring the best of both worlds together to create something better.
In Season 3, I'm focusing on racism in America. These are hard topics to discuss and they're really ripe for mistakes. I made a mistake in the recording, and you'll hear it. We'll learn from this. We'll get better.
Thank you to Detrick Franklin MBA for really schooling me and showing me a better mindset.
Bio About The Guest
Detrick is a Continuous Improvement Quality expert who has lived experience in business and the work environment. He's a problem solving, always optimizing work. Detrick is a DEI consultant and also an advisor with Calling All Allies.
Episode Summary
In this episode, Detrick and I spoke about...
- The pandemic and racism
- Schooling me on DEI
- The election
- Cancel culture
Connect With Detrick Franklin MBA
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/the10thdisruptor/
Calling All Allies - https://www.callingallallies.com/about
Connect With Daniel Hoang
My website - http://www.danielhoang.com
My company - http://www.nineteen80.co
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Date recorded November 4th, 2020
Music from https://artlist.io/
Season 2: Race in America with Detrick Franklin
Daniel Hoang: [00:00:00]
Hey everyone. Welcome back to the Nineteen80 podcast. This is season two, and I'm really excited to kick off another amazing season. After the first season, we talked to amazing change makers. Visual artists. Visual communicators. Those were my people. And I wanted to get into season two and really tackle head-on.
An issue that's been affecting me quite a bit in 2020. Which has race in America.
It's a path that I don't really know. How I feel, why I feel. And so this journey is really about me. Talking to other people. That are different from me. And trying to understand. Why racism exists in America. And how. We start to heal and how we start to grow as a country and as a world. And so today I'm talking to Detrick Franklin.
He's a guy I met on LinkedIn. And eventually we connected and we had an amazing conversation. And this is a rod recording. When you get in there. You'll notice that there are moments where I really got schooled by this guy.
And I kept it in. It was tough. And those other types of conversations we need to be having, because they're uncomfortable. And I'm going to screw up and make mistakes. I'm we're going to learn along the way. So let's get into it.
Detrick Franklin: [00:01:31] I think, people didn't realize they took for granted the amount of socialization that you get from being able to go to the movies, whether you take a date, not, you know, the socialization you get from the people that you don't know that you are interacting with being human, doing human activities.
So I think that once everything started getting shut down, people had a lot of time to start being with themselves and what's going on in their family unit. They could no longer escape. And then it's like, you can't do anything. Yes. I don't know for people spending time with themselves, just dealing with what's really going on. And they've been running from, and this year particularly has really kind of exposed everybody's, true self, their vulnerabilities, and just the ideals that they embrace.
it's not going to never be the same. Is is never is changed. Everybody woke up in the same nightmare in 2020. I think that when people can start interacting better, But before they was able to hide maybe some of their bad manners or bad ways. And now since that, the regular socialization is so limited when you do interact with somebody, it can really be extreme because I've seen some things, like an example was the guy, the video, the guy, he was like a tech CEO and he was at the restaurant and it was a Asian family on a birthday.
Yeah. That is not appropriate. You need to leave. you to not talk like that. You need to leave.
So that was a little hard to listen to. Quite a bit of bleeped out. That's kinda the norm. Have you are a person of color in this country? Those microaggressions became. Straight up aggressions to people's faces. And I think if you know anyone, that's a person of color black. Ask them. I'm sure there are stories that go on beyond and on and on.
It's just the norm. Unfortunately. But now with video and now with the recordings. We're getting this online and people are seeing it
Daniel Hoang: [00:03:45] is this a good thing? Is it, is it good to bring it out in the light or is this just destructive for us?
Detrick Franklin: [00:03:51] Good question. I really think it's good. I think that is better to just get it out and deal with it then to cause it, it makes it harder for somebody to say, Oh, well, systemic racism is not a problem in this sector or this sector, or just period, you know, instead of trying to say what's ex a problem with the police or as a problem in the military or as a problem in.
Tech or a fortune 500. Why don't we just let's just talk. Truth is a problem. So the fact that people are now really, and I. I'm just, you know, assuming that a lot of the polarization has taken place is also has to do with the upcoming elections. So it's almost like it's a line in the sand drawn and people picking sides.
You're either racist or you're not either Confederate or pro-Trump, or are you Democrat. And you know, this winning that, but you know, at the end of the day, we got to deal with it. And the sooner we get through with it, the better, you know, the sooner that more people, decide that, you know, what. The video that I seen of George Floyd was beyond disturbing.
This is just totally unacceptable.
Daniel Hoang: [00:04:58] George Floyd was a extremely hard for me because there was the other cop who was Asian.
I can't remember what ethnicity he was, but he was the, he was just complacent. Right? Just standing there watching. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm that guy, you know me, like I see myself, I probably that guy standing right there and I'm doing nothing and it just, and an I'm looking at myself professionally. You know, , I'm sitting there and I'm also complicit in this stage.
And so what is my role in George Floyd? Am I equally just as bad as that guy who put his knee on him? And this was been just a year of reckoning because also at the same time, I also experienced racism on my own farm. Right. And as, as an Asian, I walk around, people were like, you're the chronic guy. Right.
And China, yeah. You get that microaggressions on a daily basis constantly. I can't go to the grocery store without people looking at you, like giving you that look. Yeah. I'm I'm and I'm trying to kind of figure out, you know, where do I fall within the spectrum? I'm not black, you know, I, I'm not, I don't feel my life is not threatened on a daily basis.
I feel like I can walk out the door and I'm not going to get shot. And so I don't have that. But yet again, I said this year for me, I went and like, you're my brother. You know, you are my brother, you are another human being. And I don't care for you. It's as if we, as society just, we don't care for anything.
And so that's, for me, that was my journey with black lives matter. Cause I think I was that guy that just, I didn't get it right. And I was like, And when I finally met people, you and became friends and really I'm tearing up a little bit because I really starting to understand the black experience because for me, those microaggressions threatening, they're painful and they're hurtful, but I don't feel that my life is threatened on a daily basis.
And I can't imagine having that on your weight, in the middle of this pandemic. And so yet I also work with wealthy high-end, you know, White groups and they're oblivious to all that stuff, because as close as I am to this issue, there's an entire bubble out there that just is extremely oblivious to what's going on.
And I feel like I, and I have a five-year-old son downstairs and I don't want him to come into this world. I feel like we are just, he deserves better. And I hope that by meeting and talking to people, you, and by having these conversations are tough that we can start moving that needle forward because I think we all deserve better.
This is not good enough.
Detrick Franklin: [00:07:25] I would agree. Yeah I mean, that's, that's interesting, as you said, you know, the kind of disconnect there is, like, you know, I guess if you don't experience it, then sometimes it's kind of hard to relate.
It's like, you know, each one teach one and reach back, grab somebody up. Well, that's kind of where we at with the diversity thing and a racial thing, you know what I'm saying? So if I got an understanding, then the least I can do is reach my hand out. And grab somebody's hand that don't understand and pull them to the same point of mutual understanding that I'm at so that, you know, let's move forward.
So we got to do it in baby steps, you know, and I think some times what happens, you know, particularly from the side of the people to feel victimized and oppressed and you know, the center of, the negativity or the racism, you know, you get sometimes caught up in. What's happening to you because it happens so much.
when you walk out the house it's happening, you know, when you go to the store, when you go to the gas station, if the police get behind you, if, when you go out to shop, you know, spending money, maybe you don't look like to the person that's working there that you could even afford was in here.
Just, you know, like the microaggressions of anytime that you fit into the stereotype, you know, you don't, you, you don't necessarily know what you're walking in. And into you don't know what the person's stereotype is that you walk into in any given situation. And then from there is this their opportunity, you know, to be super, whatever it is, their stereotype ideology puts them in the character of, or is this opportunity for them to act human.
And that's what I just kind of like to do is, Change the lens or perspective, so you can see it differently. Everybody's entitled to whatever it is that they got a prejudice against your stereotypes is really kind of bad for business. When you go out publicly and you share and voice your stereotypes with society, because it's a bad look, especially if somebody records it,
if, you know, I can have the common decency and compassion to see when something that has happened to you was not right. And you know, if I'm a better person in that than just a base individual, maybe I could do something to help improve that or help fix the problem or help, you know, and you know, that's kind of what I'm, what I'm here for
mean it's like I said, a lot of times, by the time the conversation is had. It's already a tough topic and stuff is usually heated by the time the conversation is even had, you know, it'd be great to have the conversation about race and diversity and inclusion and all that, and a very calm, fun exchange, you know, but is documented as something that you can not change. If you have had a television or watch the TV or on the cell phone to say that you don't see race or color, or you don't believe racism is a problem or. Anything like that, you know, because it's, there's just, this country was really built on racism.
So that's the, the, the, the sad part about the white supremacy system here in the United States is that's what the country was built on. And to dismantle that, you know, is, is going to be. Challenging because it impacts everybody. And the people that is the most resistant to it are the people with the most lose, you know, the people, you know, is one of my philosophies is this is that, you don't lose power when you empower someone.
No, and that's really what's going on now. Is it just about empowerment? Can we empower, you know, everybody that loves profits loves capitalism, so, but is there really a way to save capital Elysium and get rid of white supremacy system? You know, Is that possible? Are they so intertwined that we can't separate the two?
And that's what the last hold out is, is look, we get rid of my white supremacy and you're getting rid of my capitalism. You know, I personally think that, you know, is, is outdated, right? And system that needs to be replaced. And the time is now and the people saying, Hey, We w we want something different.
Daniel Hoang: [00:11:39] Deep and deep. And for the black experience, we're talking about centuries of. Right. This experience, it's caring. Multi-generational
Detrick Franklin: [00:11:48] yeah. So on top of whatever already in your DNA, whatever experiences is being passed down by DNA is in your bloodline on top.
Then you add that with the experiences that you actually go through. And so, you know, you, you ask yourself, am I going to focus on what's happening to me, or am I going to find a way that I can pick my battles and then focus on what it is that I want? For myself and manifest that, you know, without getting caught up.
Cause it'll get you caught up. It's like a distraction to keep you from really focusing is so much going on. And then on top of that, you got to worry about if you get it. It stopped as you go and get harassed. If you're going to get shot, are you going to go home behind a police encounter? You should not have to weigh that.
And you know, it just seems like that if. Nobody really wants to deal in truth. When you get to talking about the truth, then they say the truth will set you free. But a lot of times I seen the history, the truth get people killed, you know, because the truth is stopping somebody. Money is money is profit to be made and all this confusion and conflict, somebody is profiting from it.
I did this, uh, recording over two weeks and it was before and after the election. And in fact, the second recording. Was the day of the election and. For many people. I think this was an incredibly stressful moment. Because it was a. Representation on what the future holds. But at the end of the day, I think it just didn't matter because either way.
Half of America. Voted to continue racism. And so now i'm talking to Detrick and i'm asking him how he felt today
Daniel Hoang: [00:13:31] we are, what is today? Today is November 4th. this is a day after a big election day. And we're still in limbo. just for the history books. How are you feeling right now?
Detrick Franklin: [00:13:42] You know, I let the anxiety go. I cast my vote. I actually did, me and my wife did a mail in ballots and I actually dropped them off at the voter registration office. And I mean, I did my part. So as far as the rest of it is I only got one vote.
So it was out of my hands who was the president, but I look at it like this, whether it's Trump or Biden, the country is about to move forward. So whoever the head of leadership is all that does is determine, what is the largest hand that resistance that they face but, you know, at the end of the day is kind of like time. It, it don't matter. What's going on time. Don't stop, you know? So,
Daniel Hoang: [00:14:30] I found that, you know, when, when we talked last week, I found, I really enjoyed, I appreciate your, your attitude in life, just in general or your mindset. And let's call it mindset, your mindset in life. And I have a lot of friends just freaking out right now with the election. I had a couple of cancellations. There's more not like I can't handle it. I'm just so stressed out with this election. And I said to them, I don't think it matters. I don't think it matters. Whether it's a one side or the Nia letter.
What really matters is this country is split down the middle. It's almost like we are in two different camps and we're not listening to one another. Right.
And I think what the country needs at this point is to get to the United States of America where we're United. Because right now we are one side or the other. And if it's not this side, then you're wrong.
Detrick Franklin: [00:15:16] Did you say you, did I hear you correctly? Daniel said that she was going to get a gun.
Daniel Hoang: [00:15:20] I am going to go get a gun. Not because I'm afraid of, for myself, I'm going to go get a gun because I want to understand, I want to walk in the shoes of the person across from me. Right. And I think there are a lot of, you know, gun rights is, is a big issue and it's all or nothing. And I think I can't be an anti-gun person without truly understanding what it's all about.
Detrick Franklin: [00:15:44] okay. I agree with you. you know, it was interesting, the, what you said about a gun, As a, as a black man in America, owning a gun can get you killed, you know, very quickly, Hey, brandishing or, showing that you are in possession of a knife, or at least it's in vicinity can get you killed.
well, here, here's the whole thing. I guess I look at it like I'm not running to get a gun or worried about having guns in my house unless I'm prepared to use a gun. I am. So against racism, white supremacy, and arrested that.
However, I am not prepared to take somebody's life because they're having a dumb moment or I'm having a dumb moment. So, you know, the gun is kind of like a hand grenade, you know, you know, you don't pull it out unless you're going to use it.
so, I mean, I, I hear you as far as, you know, trying to get like, some intrinsic value of, so what does this NRA and arrested is, you know, don't tread on me or take my arms away.
What is that about? But you know, at the same time, it's like, Daniel, are you prepared to take somebody's life? Absolutely not, not prepared.
so look, look great opportunity here. So this is just an example of my style of the DEI. As far as you give people real life scenarios that they can step into them. Boots not shoes, but boots and walk through the BS for a little bit and then kind of figure out if that's what really, really want to be
Okay. Here's the spot. This is the one where I got schooled by Detrick. And I think. I had gone in. Guns ablazing. No pun intended. But, uh, coming in hot and just full of my emotions and not really thinking about what I was saying. This is a good example of when you come in without thinking. And you just react.
And I reacted and I said, Hey, I want to go get a gun. And Detrick points out that. Yeah, I get the intent, but. And gun will get you killed. If you're black. And, you know, I never realized that I never realized how something in action, like that has such an impact. This was a learning moment. Take this as a learning moment, this is the kind of things that you will experience.
When you work with someone like Detrick, when you go down this journey. Of diversity equity inclusion.
It's going to be hard. You're gonna make mistakes. And I'll ball. You're going to get called out like this. And I wanted to make it public. So that you can see what it's like. To learn in public.
Daniel Hoang: [00:18:39] So I want to learn a little bit more, tell me a little bit more and more recent role that you're getting, like calling all allies project.
Detrick Franklin: [00:18:45] so it's a calling all allies project and they. Our group that does diversity training, diversity equality and inclusion, training, and initiatives, and set up programs like basically as you, you know, organization can contact them and, holler at them about , we need to correct and , get on track or path to being where we would like to be a representative
of what we say that we're about . And then this organization is a great place that, helps them get there. I will be available to go out and assist companies that.
, they might be looking for a diversity organization. So now I'm part of a diversity organization. but at the same time, it still allows me the Liberty to do my own thing. as far as, as a independent consultant for myself, for, , smaller gigs, but I can still go out and make an impact on their team as they help , Organizations is ready to pay.
You know, it costs to be the boss. That's the same a model of mine and cost to be the boss. So for organizations that's prepared to pay that. Cause calling all allies project is here to help people get where they need to be with the diversity, close those gaps, and just make sure that, you know, they operating and present themselves away way today, say they are in a day, want to be
I am about really just equality and, you know, diversity, it changes from time to time. Sometimes is a focus on diversity and sometimes it's not, but at the end of the day, I think that everybody wants to be treated fairly and equitably and would like to just see the rules applied consistently across the board.
Daniel Hoang: [00:20:35] And, and you got some really amazing life experiences. I think you bring in a lot of pragmatic, practical experience beyond just HR. And so when you're talking about let's call up Detrick, I got a problem.
You're a problem solver. You figure things out. Yeah. What's your background?
Detrick Franklin: [00:20:49] Okay. Well, let's see, I'm the oldest of six children. So I'm kind of like a natural born leader.
I'm left-handed most things I got to kind of reverse engineer to, be able to do it. And then from there is how can I do it better?
And I ended up in business, always kind of had an entrepreneurial spirit. I have always been like a go-to guy. I didn't realize it when it was occurring, but I've always been like a business-minded go-to guy for people that's trying to start something.
That's trying to launch something. That's trying to take something to the next level. so, got my MBA and as I was coming close to it, it was like, it was like, you know, I'm thinking maybe doing something else. That's like, well, you know what, you can do this and this, and then you can just get a dual degree.
And, you know, the course of it, I learned and discovered and experienced and was exposed to so many different. Management styles, tactics and practices on top of the processes. Every different job is a different process.
So it kind of coined myself as like this process guru, because one I'm left-handed and most people are right-handed. So when it came to manufacturing, everything is a right-hand flow. So I got to kind of reverse engineer that, and it was just like, man, you know, I had, I used to think it was kind of bad. It was like, well, man, you know, I thought this was an opportunity and I didn't like it, or I thought this was opportunity and it really wasn't.
So to continuous improvement, that's in my description on LinkedIn is a lack of continuous improvement, quality Ninja, because everything is continuous improvement for me because that's what my school. Every opportunity that I got, it was like, okay, let me learn what I'm supposed to do. And let me see what I can do. To make this position better.
A broken part work and continue production, as opposed to, since we down anyway, replace it with the replacement part, that's what it was purpose for. And then we, don't got to worry about being down. So I got my own theories about, you know, some of those scenarios, Because at the end of the day, what I found out in the course of my many experiences is that a lot of times situations where it's like, well, it's broke, but they won't fix it.
They just keep putting duct tape on it. Well, in duct tape and band-aids there's job security. So, you know, as above so below, you know, interesting thing, oftentimes I think people in positions of leadership, they don't empower the people under them. Because they're afraid that if they empower these people, then they're going to lose power.
You don't lose power by empowering somebody, you create other opportunities for innovation, growth and all that. You know, you allow somebody to step into their greatness. If you empower them in a situation where they've been constricted.
Daniel Hoang: [00:23:35] So very fixed mindset, it's a zero sum game, right? If, if you win, then I lose and it's.
And it we're in the middle of this transition period where as we're trying to get better, it requires us to be more like the latter, right. Being able to empower people, like you said, the more power that we get to people, the more ability we get people to grow, the more innovation is going to happen.
And we need more of that. I think that this country needs more of that. The people need more of that and that's holding us back. what are people, what's the fear? Is it fear that I'm going to lose my power or fear that I'm gonna lose my job?
Detrick Franklin: [00:24:10] All of that is just, , fear of position. It was like right now, I'm in a place of position right now, my position, there's a certain power and privilege that comes with it. If I share refined, enlightened somebody, or if I let somebody in, then this, this person might be the next Michael Jordan. . Cause we still in business, we still profitable, you know, as opposed to if I pass the ball. Cause that's kinda what we got going on is there is this resistance to pass the ball because passing the ball means sharing. And for some reason, a lot of people, particularly people in positions of power feel that if they share, then that means that they're either going to be slided or cut off and is like, You do not lose power by empowering somebody, you create other opportunities, and one of the biggest things is innovation.
and I just look at it as on a job security tip. Why would I, why would I hook you up or look out for you or, you know, bring you along or lift you up if it's going to put my position in threat or in jeopardy. You know, and I, I think that's really kinda what it is is the people, the main people that are resistant to the change, it's the main people that see themselves as I got the most to lose, because if we turn around and we allow these people in, or we allow all these people access, or we allow these people, whatever it is, then somehow in doing that, Then I'm going to be kicked to the curb or I'm going to be out of here.
And I think that the people that have got the biggest fear is the people that is really not doing what they supposed to be doing anyway. And as just, you know, one of the things that I kind of picked up and, manufacturing environments is that instead of just fixing it. Solving it embrace the change and move forward.
Daniel Hoang: [00:25:59] is that unique intersection with your background in manufacturing, quality, HR, and now kind of bringing in this a DEI lens as well? I think it's, it's a very unique. intersection and you're passionate about it and it comes across clearly that way. It's that passion too, but
Detrick Franklin: [00:26:14] as humans, I will give you the same courtesy and respect that I would expect because, people's differences is what makes the world go around. You know, if everybody was the same, it will be horrible. Nobody is the same. Even if you think that you got this much and that much in common with the next person, whether it's your significant other spouse, whatever, unless y'all has identical twins from birth.
That's the closest you can come to be in the same as somebody else. Other than that, everybody is a unique individual. And I think sometimes between, social media and peer pressure or whatever, did we forget that there is a serious value? And merit and being an individual and not losing yourself and trying to fit in and just be who you were created to be.
And, you know, a lot of times we lose focus on that because there's so many distractions that lead us to other places. But, you know, at the end of the day I have learned, one of the best things I can do for me. And for those that I impact is. Be true to my individual is, you know, to, to who I am, my uniqueness, I don't have to fit in.
Daniel Hoang: [00:27:27] I love it because I think we're all unique individuals. We're all unique snowflakes.
Detrick Franklin: [00:27:31] Yeah.
Daniel Hoang: [00:27:32] I, I want to go back a little bit earlier.
You had mentioned, I want to walk in the shoes of someone else and you said
Detrick Franklin: [00:27:36] boots.
Daniel Hoang: [00:27:38] Right. A little bit more about that.
Detrick Franklin: [00:27:40] What did you mean by that? Yeah, well, you know, cause shoes , flip flops can be shoes. Nike slides can be shoes, but boots, boots is a little heavier than all that, , and sometimes too.
Follow the path or the footsteps of somebody else's not something you can do in flip-flops is not, you know, you don't know what the water with the mud, with the muck, the BS, you don't know what you stand going to be standing in and trying to follow this person's path because that's kind of the art of it is making it look easy, but it's, it's not, weightlifting, you know, You working out.
I can remember at one point I was, I used to be in the working out and I was like, you know, a hundred pound dumbbell in each hand. And a guy asked me one time. Well, man, you make it look so easy. Yeah. I said, well, that's the art of it? You know, how does it feel to be in a a hundred pound club? Well, you know, that's the art of it is making it look easy.
You don't know my struggle. I just make it look easy. I'm not making a lot of noise. I'm just doing it. So it, as far as like walking in, in boots, Yeah, it's gotta be boots because you will hope that it's a cakewalk. But I mean, honestly, when you think about it, the average person, if you was to walk in their shoes, particularly if they are being productive and thriving and trying to be successful, you can't do that in the slides.
You can't do that in a, Pair of boat or deck shoes. You might, you're going to need some boots, cause you're going to need to dig in and you know, you got to make sure you got traction. You gotta make sure if it's rattlesnakes that you don't get bit in ankles. If you got on flip flops, you can get bitten ankle by a snake, but not with boots.
but that was the art of it. They made it look easy. You don't know what they really went through to get there, you know, on that path.
However, be prepared because you don't know. Well, they went through and, you know, sometimes the only thing that people show you is the best part of it or the fun part or the, you know, making it rain and popping the doors and popping bottles and well, what did that person do to get there? So they might've started out with you the same place that you read, and this is where they at now, but what did they do?
You don't know. Every once in a while, somebody will really share and give insight into what it took to accomplish what they accomplished. But for the most part, you know, people just kind of play it like, Oh, well, you know, and it's the, that's the art of it is make it look easy, but I'm not going to really reveal or share with you.
Daniel Hoang: [00:30:07] How do I put on those boots? Right. If that's a metaphor right now, but how do we get people and myself, like as well? Like I'm as privileged as well. How do I walk into boots of another person? Right. Especially as you're doing work around diversity equity inclusion, we're talking about groups that are oppressed.
We're talking about groups that have been historically underrepresented. How do you get the majority? And walk in those boots and really, truly understand the experience
Detrick Franklin: [00:30:38] well, that, that is challenging. I would think that , the best or most you can hope for is to maybe, present them with a situation or a scenario where they can relate to.
Because sometimes you can explain something to somebody or try to share something with somebody and you cannot figure out how can, how can I really get you to get this? So I think from the person is on the receiving end is trying to, relate or experience. Is that the number one thing that you can do is be one open-minded.
Two is listen and, and listening, as you hear it, things that you might not agree with, or you don't understand, or you can't compute, you got to go back to rule number one, which is be open-minded because just because it's not your experience and you can't relate to, it does not mean it is not real. And it's taking place for so many other people.
And I think that. just really as a, as a community, as a, as a coast to coast community, I'm not going to say country, I'll say community, you know, as a coast to coast community, the, best thing that we can do and trying to all be on the same page about, you know, being positive, making an impact and making sure that we are not being offensive or doing this or that.
Or whatever it is to people that is hurtful or harmful is one be open-minded to listen. And when you feel the urge to step in and say, well, you know, you should I do that whenever you feel the urge, the strong urge to speak up and response to what somebody is sharing with you. Shut up. That's when you don't say nothing, and then you continue to listen.
And what I found. And if you can walk somebody down the path of an analogy, and then you say, For the end of it, explain it. And well, this part of the analogy really was this, this is really this, this is really this. So if you, you, we, we in agreement on this, this was jacked up or this was all right, well, this was this, this was, this, this was this.
There's no way to go back two years while we wasn't talking about this. There's no way to go back two years ago to where we wasn't focused on this. This is where we at period moving forward. So. You know, hopefully, people can that really need this or don't understand. It can just listen with an open mind.
, I mean, you know, essentially the last time we had talked, I had, we got to talk about the, black experience as a black male. And, you know, I had touched on a couple of things and then I, it, since we talked, I kind of thought about like, well, how could I have like, well, I guess the best way I can explain it as this is that depending on the type of person I'm trying to be is what I dwell on.
You know, so if I constantly dwell on every time I turn on the news or look at the TV, this is going on and where the killing unarmed black men in the streets. I mean, I could stay depressed. I can stay in anxiety. I could stay scared. I could stay so many things. But then what quality of life would I have?
You got to live, everybody got to live, and that's what you gotta remember and trying to empathize and just, you know, feel where somebody is at. Just notice as much, as much as you want to live, as much as you love breathing and drinking water and your heartbeat and sodas, the next person, period.
Yeah. And you know, sometimes I think that, you know, we get caught up on, well, this is happening. This is happening. What was me? Well, that may be true, but if you can't immediately change that or impact that, or cause that to stop. So, what are you going to do? Just sit here and hang out in limbo as this is happening while the rest of the world is enjoying life.
Daniel Hoang: [00:34:55] as we're closing out, how can people find you if they want to engage and work with you and DEI and, and it sounds like you have a number you're just the go-to person.
Detrick Franklin: [00:35:03] Yeah. calling all allies project, I am, DEI visor with them. I can also be reached on LinkedIn under a Detrick Franklin MBA. Send me a message connect with me. And, you know, through the course of it, like I said, I want it to be fun and enjoyable and impactful. And, I would just hope that. Whether I'm working with an organization or individual that, you know, I help you achieve the goals and the results that you want.
Daniel Hoang: [00:35:36] And date, it's an incredibly easy to talk to you and I think that's probably why you're so effective because you are just so relatable human connect. It's easy just to connect in that. I think I can definitely see how you're going to be awesome. Hey, I really appreciate you coming on to the show and, it's a great kickoff to this next season on the theme of racism, inequality in America.
So first off, I wanna just thank Detrick for joining me in this. Start of season two. He's pretty new to this, and this is my second season, but it's still pretty new for me. And I'm editing some myself so apologies if it's not perfect. But I really enjoyed and learned a lot from Detrick and I hope you did too.
This is the type of journey and experience you'll have when you work with someone in this space.
And Diedrich is an amazing guy. And you'll notice in the middle of this. I, I learned something. And I got schooled on it. And I think this is what it's all about. It's just learning and growing together. And there are amazing people like him out there. So take the time. Learn. I mean, don't get frozen up and how hard this is. You just gotta take a step at a time.
Or them boots. It says Detrick. It's going to get messy and dirty. But we got to go forward. We got to keep moving forward. And thank you all for listening. This is an incredibly long. Episode. For my podcast. But I'm going to keep this going. I'm going to keep this path going forward for a while.
We're going to stick around on a subject. And we're going to learn. We'll see in the next one.