What Nineteen80 stands for
I'm talking about what Nineteen80 is standing for and how we're about bridging two things, from analog to digital, old to new. It's not an end game for us but a transition.
I remember a world before the Internet and before the smartphone but I came of age in the digital world.
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Hey there today. We're going to be talking about building bridges. I'm your host, Daniel Hoang And this is the 1980 podcast.
So in the last episode we talked about how in 1980, the origin of 1980. And it's all about being a Xennial I was born in 1980, so I'm looking at a posting online and meme about it. And I'm going to be reading this a little bit. Xennials is a micro-generation born between the cusp year of generation X and millennials.
I think they used to be called gen Y I E, between 1977 in 1983. So what are put in the middle 1980, by the way, which was the original release of the star Wars trilogy. Xennials were experienced in analog childhood. Yes, I was born as a child and I used the yellow pages, sometimes a rotary phone, but usually a touch phone.
You had to push buttons to call on it, physical buttons. And, at best we had was called a wireless one, which had this gigantic antenna and you whole held this giant device. And all it did was make calls over a copper line. In a digital adulthood, you know, as I turned 18, this would have been 1998, 99. I graduated.
This is a, I graduated before the iPhone. So, coming to college, I remember using, the Motorola StarTech as one of the first to, get a cell phone. And even then, like, you are limited by minutes and text messaging was expensive and you didn't do it as much. And so, the volume of information was fairly low.
But, as I was growing up, like technology was coming together and I did my homework and everything on systems and remember registering for my first college class. It was actually over a phone system. You, sitting out in the hall way. And the dorm in the morning when it's cold and I got my little phone out and I'm pushing buttons to register for classes.
And then the following year, there was a online registration system. So I think as I was becoming of age becoming an adult grownup, things were coming together in grad school. I think the Facebook came up, came together and it was a new concept, but just this whole premise of social networking also was.
Somewhat new as I was becoming of age and iPhone came out in 2007. And so at this point I was reaching the, my professional and beginning of my professional career and I was starting to use modern technology. So I wasn't stuck in a old legacy and old paradigm, but I grew up in a world where we didn't rely on, we didn't depend on these systems.
And so 1980 is about. Bridging two things being in two spaces, going from analog to digital, but not a hundred percent, right. Trying to find the best of both worlds, the world where having human relationships is important, but that's all also just adopting these systems because they're important. They're how work gets done and that's important.
And so 1980 is about a concept. It is not the intent of means. Ryan is not the solution for everything. It is simply a transition business. I'm not in the business of creating the next thing. I'm not in the business of inventing something new or doing something really cool, but simply taking one paradigm to the next.
And so this applies from analog to digital, or if you think of two different worlds, two generations, a generation that was command and control. Control from the top down. leadership though was top down. It was all about the leaders getting approval and going up and down the chain and switching to a world where information is free.
It's not possessed by the few, but that information is democratized. Wisdom of the crowd is the way the group, the people they know better than an individual. So this is 2020 Donald Trump is the president. And I think this is the last cusp, the last breath of an old legacy, a legacy where the man you're president knows best for everything and we're moving into a different world.
And so if I put on my technology hand and adopt. Volt technology. The world's moving to distribute the ledgers. Bitcoin cryptocurrency records are no longer kept by a single source, but it's owned by the people. And so if you're in a position of power, the whole concept of transitioning to this is incredibly scary and you will do everything you can to keep that from happening.
And that's why there's racial disparities having today because a small group owns the power and they're afraid that that large populace has the power. And as part of that transition is simply empowering the populace, empowering people, empowering individuals with a skills, knowledge, abilities, to be the best they can be and not rely on the system, not rely on.
Individuals, single leaders, but that we, the collective, we can do anything. Technology is enabling it. Awareness and education is enabling it, or we're in the middle of a transition. And that's what, 1980 is all about.
So 1980s standing for more than simply transition. We're not just a tool or a method, but what we really believe in what I believe in Daniel, Hong as the founder is that there is a better world up there, a world where information is free. There is nothing secret proprietary. No one company has it. No one as a sole individual, has it.
There's no proprietary information anymore. Growing up, I worked in expertise based companies where my proprietary knowledge, our spreadsheets, our tools, our methods was unique, and we were able to charge a lot for it. But that is no longer true because everything in the I have within 1980 is publicly available.
You can download it. You can find it, you can assemble it and put it together yourself. And so this transition, this paradigm shift is getting away from expertise, space, hiding, secret formulas, intellectual property. It is all in the public domain and we're transitioning it into the public domain so that people can take advantage of it.
Use it, build businesses, build well. Build a life and share in that prosperity. 1980 is about grading a transition and this won't be an incredibly painful transition. And I am hanging my hat around storytelling communications, engaging change management. These tools. It's a means to an end. These tools mean that.
We can engage in the system. We can find a way to break through the noise because there's a lot of noise out there. Get our message across and then use these power or use these tools to actually make a difference. I'm really excited to get this going and to bring and democratize tools that were previously inaccessible skills training that was inaccessible.
Because in the future, you can no longer outsource marketing communications to someone else. You can't be just a technical subject matter. You need to be able to sell your idea to the populous, to a large population, build an audience, build a connection, and you do that through storytelling, visual communications, innovative ways of just getting your message across.
And not simply cutting and pasting templates after templates. And that requires a creative mind that requires the ability to market yourself, the ability to brand yourself, the ability to sell yourself. And so at 1980, we are practicing these techniques on ourselves. This podcast channel is a mechanism because we've been preaching that you should create your own podcast.
And it's really hard. This is incredibly hard, but it can be done. We can teach it. You can learn it and we can do it together. I'm really excited about that one. I'm going to have guests coming in. I think, unlike other podcasts, rather than interviewing experts and just creating a mess of more information, we're going to have a dialogue.
We're going to have a discussion and figure out how do we thrive and survive in this new paradigm, this new world, and how do we use the bridges to get us across? Some something that might seem impossible and it will be really, really exciting to have you along this journey. And then I'd like you to engage, submit your questions, participate, sign up for the mailing list, because it's all about you.
This is not about me. This is how do we get you across that new paradigm? To go from analog to digital, to go from a world where you had a boss, he had a command and control boss that tells you what to do to a space where you are truly free to be who you are and not be limited by limitations of the past.
And so when you're working around people, that hoard information, when you work with a boss that. Doesn't touch technology. When you work for a company that doesn't stand for making the world better, how can you create your own space? Build your own audience. Join the movement, participate in this new economy and be successful and more importantly effect positive change this world.
And Hey, if you were born around 1977 and 83, definitely reach out. I'd love to talk as part of the conversation. And if you let this resonate with you, reach out, I love to talk and be a part of this conversation, because I think it's interesting to bring in new voices and just have a dialogue and conversation around this.
Welcome to 1980.
And thank you for joining and definitely appreciate you joining this episode. Number two, it would be incredibly helpful for me. If you were to rate rank subscribe, participate in whatever podcast application you're listening us in. Hit that like button hit that review button. Give me a review. It is incredibly helpful it will help build this channel. And if you want to engage, definitely visited us @ nineteen80.co thank you.